Saturday, June 21, 2008

Into the Firing Chamber

Transport to the CMC Ceramic Studio seems to have gone well. The new 'Bottomless Vessels to Hold Change' are now in the kiln for a slow bisque firing. They should be ready to emerge late Sunday night. Fingers are crossed...

I am always a bit on edge while my works are in the kiln. Wondering what to do while I await the verdict of the kiln gods. A good time to take a walk or watch a film...?

But open studio starts in a few minutes now; and I want to work on something new. But nothing that will take longer than today and tomorrow. Though I will not make any assumptions, I do want to trust that all will make it through the firing, and that I will be able to take each one through the painting and glazing steps and then through a second kiln firing.

The waiting is always a challenge.
Best to get into the studio, unwrap some clay, begin something new, and enjoy today's stream of visitors...

Meanwhile the sky is blue, the flowers here have unfolded, and the sun is brilliant.

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