Friday, July 18, 2008


A student in one of the family workshops made this drawing of me
while waiting for the smoking barrel
to work its magic on our pots...
I have it here in New York City.
It hangs now in my kitchen, to remind me that I was there.

On Monday, UPS is due to deliver the works that I made at the Tin Shop studio.
Meanwhile I wrestle with the realities of being back in the city.

I am trying very hard to follow the wise words that urge me to 
'be HERE now...'
I am trying to re-enter life in this place
where the pace is so different from that 
when I was 'making mudpies in the Rocky Mountains'.

I am grateful for all that is part of my life here, 
as well as for all that was part of this rich, joyous, creative adventure there.

I repeatedly told studio visitors that I came to Breckenridge to continue
the series of smoke fired 'Bottomless Vessels to Hold Change'
that I had started in my London studio.
I did also quote the Haystack 'welcome speech' several times: that
'no matter what you think you came for, be open to the something else that will unfold...'
and so now I am looking forward to being open
to whatever might continue to unfold....

Next month I have a residency at the Art Complex Museum
in Duxbury, MA.
If the technology there allows, I will do a blog from there.
Otherwise I sign off now from blogger-land 
and thank you for being part of my Colorado residency...

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