Thursday, May 28, 2009

Beginning to Unfold

It was a grey chilly, drizzly weekend, but it was still lovely to walk around town where tourists and locals smiled in friendly greeting, where there seemed to be more air and sky than in New York City.

The old buildings in the historic section of town capture my fantasies, and I feel like I have stepped into a time warp.
I am drawn to the layering of textures on the old buildings. Perhaps this will be inspiration for work in the studio?

It seems that, like the leaves on the trees around town, my work here is just beginning to unfold.
The local newspaper ran a story about my residency. Workshops are scheduled for this week: 'Barrel-Firing'; Handbuilding vessels for the upcoming Pit Fire Event; and tile-making....

The pinch pots are finished and drying.They will be fired and ready for me to use to show workshop students some ways to alter the outcomes of the barrel-firing scheduled for Wednesday.

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